Regex for Designers and UX Writers
Across all our digital devices, one of the things we probably do most commonly is search for something. Whether it’s using Spotlight on our iPhone or Mac, searching using the Windows menu, using Ctrl+F or ⌘+F to search for something in a document, or looking something up on Google, we’re constantly finding our stuff by searching with text.
Almost all text search is powered by a terse and powerful syntax called regular expressions or regex. The idea behind regex is straightforward: you use a sequence of characters to describe a search pattern. For example, if I wanted to find the word “regex” in a document, the regular expression I would write would look like this:
The slashes at the beginning and end just indicate the beginning and end of a regular expression. This specific pattern would match instances of the word “regex”, but not “Regex”. If I wanted to make my search query match both of these variants, there are two ways I could do it:
The first example above will match either an uppercase “R” or a lowercase “r”, followed by the remaining part of the word, “egex”.
The second example above adds an “i” right after the closing slash. This “flag”, as it’s known, indicates that my search should be case insensitive, meaning it doesn’t matter whether the matching characters are uppercase or lowercase. This means that even a spelling such as “ReGeX” would match my query.
The thing is, regex is useful not only for searching. It’s a powerful Swiss Army knife, useful for doing all sorts of things with text: searching, replacing, transforming, and validating different texts are just some of the ways that regex is used every day.
As you can see, even searching for a single word can get quite complex when you take into account the various ways that word could be formatted, and how strict or loose we want our matches to be. In this post, I’ll highlight a number of ways that regex can be useful, whether you’re building a prototype using JavaScript, or trying to think about data validation or string replacement as a content writer.
Searching Spelling Variants
We saw in one of the earlier examples how we can match either lowercase or uppercase letters, but regex gives us many other ways to look for characters: characters that may or may not be in the text, characters that appear a certain number of times, characters that are at the beginning or end of a text, or characters that are of a specific type, such as numbers or white space.
As you can imagine, all these different capabilities allow you to write some very powerful (and very intimidating) patterns. But don’t worry; once you know what you’re looking at, regex can be quite easy to parse and understand.
Let’s say you’re writing a document about colour, and you realise partway through that you really ought to have used the word “hue” instead of “colour”. A simple find-and-replace in any good word processor will help you out with this—but you’ve also been working with colleagues in different countries, some of whom spell it as “colour” and others who spell it as “color”.
Our first task would be finding all the instances of the two variants for the word “colour”, and regex lets us make the letter “u” optional, like this:
This will look for both “colour” and “color” in our text. Once we’ve found those matches, we can easily replace them all with the word “hue”.
It’s also possible to look for entire words. Let’s say some maverick decided to
add the word “chroma” instead of “colour”, which we also want to replace with
“hue”. We can use a “pipe” character (|
) to indicate alternate matching
This query will match “colour”, “color”, and “chroma”.
Let’s add one more complication. Let’s say we only want to replace instances of the word “colour” (or variants thereof) if they’re preceded by the words “red”, “blue”, or “green”.
We can use a feature of regex called capture groups1 to look for and store the word before “colour”. Let’s modify our query:
/(red|blue|green) (colou?r|chroma)/
Above, we now have two capture groups, indicated by parentheses. The first one will match the words “red”, “blue”, or “green”; the second one will match “colour”, “color”, and “chroma”; and both groups are separated by a space. Matching those patterns is one thing, but now how do we replace the matches with “hue” while keeping the colour’s name in tact?
When you use a capture group, you’ll get a reference to that group in substitution. The reference is the number of the group in the order they’re defined in the regex pattern. So to reference the first capture group with the colour’s name, I could write the following substitution regex:
\1 hue
The backslash before the 1 indicates that I’m referencing a capture group from my previous regex pattern2. If the pattern finds the word “red” before “colour” (or one of its variants), the substitution regex will replace the entire match with “red hue”.3
Character Quantifiers
Besides searching text, another thing that regex is useful for is validating that text meets a certain formatting requirement. A good example for this use case would be making sure someone enters a valid telephone or credit card number, or a valid post code.
Let’s start simple with this one. A valid credit card number, to my knowledge, is 16 digits long. We’re going to ignore the fact that certain types of cards start with certain digit sequences4, as well as ignoring spaces, so our regex is very simple:
The \d
above is called a meta sequence, which matches digits (numbers 0
through 9). There are many meta sequences in regex, including \D
, which
matches non-digit characters, and \w
, which matches word characters
(alphanumeric characters).
The curly braces indicate a quantifier. In the case above, it means we want to match 16 instances of digits. You could also specify a range of occurrences, like so:
This would match a string of numbers between 12 and 16 digits long.
This range quantifier gives us another way to match against characters that may or may not be there. In other words, the following regex patterns are equivalent:
/colou{0, 1}r/
We can put together our knowledge of capture groups and quantifiers to match something more complicated. Let’s create a regex pattern to match against UK telephone numbers.
We’ll make our regex support three common ways of indicating a UK telephone number. UK numbers can start one of three ways:
- With a leading
, followed by 10 digits. This is the common format for calling UK numbers within the UK. - With a leading
, the international dialling code for UK numbers, followed by 10 digits. - With a leading
, which is the international dialling code for devices that don’t support dialling with a+
or other non-numeric characters.
So our regex needs to look for “0”, “+44”, or “0044”, followed by 10 digits:
Note that we put the 0044
first in the capture group. This is because regex
will stop at the first match in a capture group or pattern. If we made 0
in the capture group, then a number like 00441234567890 would first capture the
first 0
, and then find 13—rather than the expected 10—following digits. For
this reason, we put the more-specific criteria in a capture group first.
By capturing the 10 digits after the dialling code, we’re able to standardise the numbers with the following format:
Where \2
is referencing the second capture group, which contains the
significant 10 digit telephone number.
There’s one more thing about quantifiers worth pointing out. It’s possible to look for an unlimited number of character occurrences. Here are a couple of ways to look for unlimited numbers of characters:
The first two patterns above will match between one and unlimited word
characters (alphanumeric characters and underscores); whereas the second two
patterns will look for between zero and unlimited word characters. Notice
that when using the curly brace quantifier ({a, b}
), the first number is the
lower bound, and the second number is the upper bound. In our examples above,
the upper bound is missing, which tells regex to set an unlimited upper bound.
Using Regex in The Real World
We’ve learned enough about regex to be dangerous, but all our examples have been fairly abstract. You might be wondering, if you’re not a programmer, where can you use regex?
Google’s productivity suite has support for regex in the find and replace
dialogs, although only Google Sheets supports capture groups for replacing text.
The version of regex used in their productivity suite uses $
instead of \
reference capture group values.

Next time you’re looking for something in a Google Doc or Sheet, consider toggling the regex feature on and using it to formulate more powerful searches.
If you’re building a prototype in JavaScript or Typescript (for instance, using Framer X), you can use regex to validate input values:
// Replace “Hello world” with “Goodbye world”, using a capture group
"Hello world".replace(/Hello (world)/, "Goodbye $1")
// Validate whether an input value matches a pattern
const emailRegex = /[a-zA-Z0-9_+-.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]/
// Returns true or false
You can also just think of regex as a useful tool for thinking about pattern matching and validation, especially when working with engineers. Since regex is such a powerful tool, it’s available in almost all programming languages. Engineers and data analysts often use regex, and adding even some surface-level knowledge about how regular expressions are written to your toolkit as a designer can strengthen your working relationship with the people who use it.
This post might not have made you a regex expert, but hopefully it has illuminated some of the uses for regex, and made it a little more understandable—and while you might not find applications for it in your day-to-day work, you may never think about humble Google searches or find-and-replace the same way again.
There are also non-capturing groups, which have a slightly different syntax: they open with
instead of just(
. Capture groups have a simpler syntax, and allow us to reference the matching value later on. ↩ -
Depending on the language or editor you’re using, the reference character might be different. For example, in JavaScript or Go, you’d write
to reference the first capture group, whereas in PHP or Python, you’d write\1
. ↩ -
You can see this in action on this regex101 example. Try playing around with the match criteria and the test string! ↩
For example, Visa cards always start with a 4; MasterCard numbers always start with a 5 followed by a number between 1–5; Amex always starts with 34 or 37. This post goes into regex patterns for credit card numbers in some depth, but be advised that the patterns therein are quite complex (though they use only the features of regex we’re covering here!). ↩